
Digital Footprint Blogg

                         Digital Footprints                                 W hy is you digital footprint so important? Your digital footprint is important because that is how you will be remembered on the internet. Lets say one day you apply for a job and the boss searches you up and he sees that your digital footprint is bad and inappropriate I can probably guarantee you that you most likely wont get that job. Then who know you could end up mopping the floors of the bathrooms at one of the malls or a beggar on the side of the road because nobody would give you a proper job if you have a bad digital footprint.

Email etiquette reflection

Today I learned rules on how to write a proper email. The rules I learned help you to write a better and more polite email to people you need to contact. Here are the rules that I have learned down bellow. To not use slang language. Address your teacher by their name. Put your name at the end of an email. Be polite and summaries your request the best you can. If you have a personal or sensitive request , it is better to talk to the teacher/teachers in person.

Superhero blogg

      The explanation of Telemann and what happens in the story  We just did a project on building our own superhero out of Plasticine . After we built our character we had to do a stop motion film on our good/bad character doing something villain like or superhero like.Our superheros name was Telemann and his power is to teleport.  In our stop motion there was this villain called Static bomber who wanted to blow up a building with TNT but there was people inside. Telemann saw Static bomber with his TNT and went up to him and said "Stop right there." A Telemann said that he pushed down the TNT. Telemann teleport ed to the chord and snapped it so it would not reach the building. After that Telemann teleport ed  behind Static bomber and gave him a hard kick wick caused him to fall on the ground and get knocked out. All of the people came out of the building , rushed to Telemann and they were all screaming and shouting with joy. Then they all started...

Poetry blog post

                                                                    Poetry                         By Gregory De Vries  Poetry is a small piece of writing that can rhyme or not. Poetry can sometimes be inspiring to different people. People write poetry to express their feelings. Or they are a poet and their job is to write poetry and that is what they do for a living. Our grade has not so long ago done an ILT on poetry. The activities we did was Terminology , Poetry writing , Blackout poetry , Analyzing poetry , Imagery and self reflection.  My personal best was the poetry writing because I liked it allot and I liked my poem. My worst activity was analyzing poems because it was boring for me. My most challenging activity was the poe...

Elkanah grade 6 wonder choose kind precepts.

The reason why I am doing a precepts blog post is because we are reading a book in class called Wonder. A precept is a quote/rule to control behavior or thought.  e.g. Kind words do not cost much                                                                                                    but they accomplish much. I chose this precept first of all it is inspiring and second of all we are reading wonder the book and in that book it says always choose kind.                  What I think a precept is.                                 A precept is a rule/quote to control behavior or thought. ...

My daily life living in an informal settlement.

My daily life living in an informational settlement. I wake up every morning cold and sometimes soaking wet, when it rains. Today I went to school on an extremely empty hungry stomach. I usually don’t go to school because when it rains my house gets flooded. I have to walk 6km to get to school and I wake up at 4am every morning. There was no food for me to eat this morning.  I really would like a proper house with security, privacy like bathroom doors, no litter and dustbins, running water and a bath or shower. My house is literally falling to pieces. I live with my mom ,dad ,5 brothers , 3 sisters. At school this morning our class is packed with children like it  usually is , we also have a lack of stationary. We have no desks at school so we have to sit on the bunched up and squished like a huge sack of potatoes.I really struggle living like this because our house is squished and there is hardly any space. We have to share three beds between the 9 of us...

Music inspector: Charlses experience

Charleses Experience Charlses experience Last week the singing inspector came to our school. His name is Mr.Raymond. He is very tall and has light blue eyes and blond blond hair. He is the scariest, meanest and most rude person I’ve ever met. Last week Friday Mr.Raymond came to our singing class. He said to me “You come up here and sing a song in front of the whole class.” As soon as he said the word WHOLE CLASS I thought to myself oh no why pick me. He said “Come on  shorty I’m waiting.” “I don’t know any song.”I said. If you don’t sing now he said, I will make you sing two songs in front of the WHOLE CLASS. I quickly thought of a song. So I began to sing. As soon as I said the first word he kicked me out of the class and boy was I happy about that. 30 minutes later we led off to our class. The next time Raymond came he didn’t dare to chose me to sing because of my bad voice. I was very happy about what he said about my voice. So I never had to sing again.