Superhero blogg

     The explanation of Telemann and what happens in the story 

We just did a project on building our own superhero out of Plasticine
. After we built our character we had to do a stop motion film on our good/bad character doing something villain like or superhero like.Our superheros name was Telemann and his power is to teleport.

 In our stop motion there was this villain called Static bomber who wanted to blow up a building with TNT but there was people inside. Telemann saw Static bomber with his TNT and went up to him and said "Stop right there." A Telemann said that he pushed down the TNT. Telemann teleport ed to the chord and snapped it so it would not reach the building.

After that Telemann teleport ed
 behind Static bomber and gave him a hard kick wick caused him to fall on the ground and get knocked out. All of the people came out of the building , rushed to Telemann and they were all screaming and shouting with joy. Then they all started carrying Telemann. After that Static bomber was locked up in JAIL. THE END!!!!!!!!!


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